The project Appropriations and resignifications of the image of the Virgin of Montserrat in Catalonia and around the world seeks to perform an in-depth analysis of the image of the Mother of God of Montserrat from a previously unexplored perspective, which goes beyond the usual studies of a religious or artistic nature. Its aim is to explore, from a historical and anthropological perspective, the resignifications that this icon has experienced both in Catalonia and abroad according to different political, historical and cultural contexts. The study focuses on the contemporary era and takes into consideration three specific ethnographic cases belonging to three different continents –beyond Catalonia– where the image of La Moreneta is present: Puerto Rico, Equatorial Guinea, Alghero. In all three areas the image of the Mother of God of Montserrat has generated unique cults, myths and discourses. Our aim is to relate these responses with the uses and meanings that have been given and continue to be given to it today in Catalonia in order to gain a greater understanding of the diversity of meanings and functions that one same image can acquire over time and space.